Masters of Horror

Masters of Horror

Monday, September 13, 2010


If they, (MCR) have anything to do with this trippyness???? then im so down with this shit :D





Sunday, September 5, 2010


Shadow Word generated at

 Nothing, I do in this world would change one thing in this movie that I valued most "THE MEANING OF LIFE"

The role robert pattinson plays in this is wonderful; he proved he can go far beyond the role of edward cullen of "twilight" his james dean persona is highly creepy standing out a mile away those of you might think different but I ask you to watch it to see for yourself.

Robert plays Tyler, an eccentric young man lost in the world of tragedy and pain at the loss of his brother, a high strung and loving brother to his young sister that im sure would move the world for her if he had to. struggling to fit in the world he see's around him he finds love through something males usually would do through a bet to get back at the officer that arrested him after he falsely claimed to be the aggressor of an ally fight, the love he finds is one made of tragic & beauty. as a child ally tragically lost her mother in a subway attack when she witnessed her mothers cold blooded murder.

As the movie progresses with the romantic love blossoming, Tyler came to the point where he had to admit the reasoning of why he and ally met. of course this would mean the end of a love story? but not so :) as his young sister had gone through a traumatic sleep over with snobby little school girls cutting her hair off it brung ally back to be by his side and the healing began.

All seemed so calm and right with the movie like a happy ending in waiting, but again not so; while watching, it gave me a horrible feeling of something not being right; even though everything was becoming perfect and right with Tyler's world I did not see the heart breaking end that was ahead  "until" I seen the writing on the teachers chalk board date and time then is where the whole story became about value.

Remember Me had me in tears still as i write this post. I'm not one for watching romantic drama's until of late but im happy i chose this one as one of very few I'll watch in my lifetime it shows value of life, love and what cant be foreseen in the future ahead.

No one, can control Destiny but Destiny itself.

  • Year: 2010
  • Genre: Drama
  • Script: Will Fetters
  • Director: Allen Coulter
  • Starring: Robert Pattinson, Emilie de Ravin, Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper

Saturday, September 4, 2010

REVIEW: Beautiful Malice



Paperback, Australia, 304 pages
Published May 1st 2010 by Allen and Unwin
39 year old Australian author and mother of 4, Rebbecca James latest book is an enjoyable book for those who likes the thrill of a psychopathic friend. Though I think we all have had one of those in our years this one is definitely one you don't want.

Beautiful Malice is told from the point of view of Katherine, a young woman who has experienced an unimaginable horror in her past, a fact which is utilised to full effect by the author as the story unfolds.
In an attempt to escape the memory of her sister’s brutal murder, Katherine moves from Melbourne to Sydney, where she befriends the beautiful and charismatic Alice. Haunted by guilt over the death of her sister Rachel, Katherine is easily seduced by Alice’s apparent carefree approach to life. But there is a dark side to Alice. Beneath the party-girl facade, is a bitter and damaged young woman who threatens to destroy the lives of everyone around her. And as Katherine learns the truth about Alice, we will learn what really happened the night Katherine’s sister was murdered.

I liked the book the story line was strong and well told, but in my own view it needed that bit more, bit more gripping suspense and a little less jumping back from the past to present without being a tad confused and thinking you've lost a chapter all in all since this isn't my usual genre of books I gave it 3/5.

sorry for the late update.


Thursday, August 26, 2010


I have very muchly slacked off this last 2 weeks due to going away and my son being struck down with a full on week virus. I plan a couple of posts to be done within a few days, one, my style review on the book "Beautiful malice" I just read, & no doubt a rant post due to things just being so wrong in this world.

Bare with my laziness -Cat_k

Saturday, August 7, 2010


This post wouldn't be a surprise to those close to me... but feel I need to let you all know that these guys are like my writing is to me "MY LOVE".

with the recent passing of  "Jimmy THE REV Sullivan" on 28th Dec 2009 things in our A7X fam world was crushed, twisted, spat out and dragged in the mud. To me these guys especially The Rev were like immortals in my eyes; I suddenly found that even they can be torn from our life. It breaks my heart still as it would many other A7X fans out there as we still mourn for Jimmy he will never be forgotten nor will his presence on our music world disappear.

His brothers make the rest of avenged sevenfold.... Matt Saunders aka M shadows, Brian Haner jnr aka Synister Gates, Johnny Seward  aka  Johnny Christ  &  Zachary Baker aka Zachy Vengeance.

Also, with an added part time family member in Honor of The Rev is Mike Portnoy from the awesome band Dream Theater. We owe greatness to this man as he now has somewhat of a double life, no one could possibly match the rev in any way; but mike is none the less second to being a perfect match.

in 8 months after The Revs tragic passing the album Nightmare was produced also co written by The Rev with his comrades along with some rare saved vocals jimmy had laid before the tragedy struck. Some songs were written after the fact, that being one special song from syn gates "So Far Away" its hard to define a song thats written from the heart while lost in thought about his fallen brother; you can't its as simple as that.

Fiction: also known as Dead which is what the rev had originally named this song after writing it and handing it to matt a few days before again the tragic loss of his life... Grace, love, & sorrow is the feeling it brings to me we all have our personal thoughts on the song itself; so again you cannot define or even give it the credit it deserves because of the life it breathes.

My thoughts of the Album are below. I had written a few days ago while in raw thought myself but true to form from the heart.

From get go, this album screams Jimmy; a brilliant tribute for a fallen legend. Haunting and heartbreaking as it is. Hearing his voice again was pure heaven as was his drumming on the demo version of nightmare they laid before he got taken from our realm.

I owe a lot of happy times to these guys, and I'm damn proud of how far they have come from tragedy to triumph. I QUOTE... "NOTHING CAN STOP US"... those of you who knows this statement will know exactly the feeling it gives you.

From wanting to stand tall screaming "ITS YOUR FUCKING NIGHTMARE" to head banging through god hates us all down to crumbling and sobbing to both "so far away" and "fiction" this album is nothing less than a masterpiece of epic proportion.

9/10 - 10/10????  pfft!  No one and nothing can rate this album it's just way too far off the charts for anyone  to say otherwise. the A7X Fandom all around the world drew every cent they could to make this a #1 album pretty much on every rock chart down to dominating the American BILLBOARDS chart.

I'll personally say a BIG "FUCK YOU"  to all the Haters out there that went to the trouble of voting on the Nightmare album with a one star so eminem could keep the top spot seriously you thought that would work??  I say again FUCKING, HARDY HA, FUCKING HA! it didn't work us true fans showed you what "REAL" FANS ARE ABOUT.

Mike Portnoy... my man, you are a hero... I thank you for bringing back our jimmy!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So, here I am at last. 

You could say this is my first official post "YAY ME" lol and welcome to all.

My reasons for being here are MUSIC, WRITING, BOOKS and sometimes movies. These are all my favorite subjects and I find it hard to find a place where I can read about all at once, so I'm making this my place, providing I can keep up with all the news and such since my personal time is a tad short.

I would love to put down some reviews (my own opinions) about books I've read music I listen to (warning my music is loud) and no doubt bitch about the world wide crap of this world we live in plus share some of my life the way I would like to on FB and My Spaz sometimes those just aren't personal enough anymore.

Only thing I ask for is respect of others comments, views and beliefs on life. since I'm not a religious person and have no desire to be please try to minimize any sort of preaching unless its in your own defense, I don't believe in things I cannot see, feel, hear while at the same time I do believe in the after life (so sue me) I love paranormal stuff and well may have felt it before (yes I'm crazy). As I post you'll obviously get to know more about who I am and where I'm from (a shit hole) so be free to roam around and what not.

WARNING- explicit and downright filth is a possibility here so hopefully you are open minded if not (oops my bad).

P.S. I'm also a amateur writer and studying it at the same time I don't claim to be a professional or have anything published; but hopefully one day that will change. so all authors of any kind are most welcome...

Peace out -C ^0^