Masters of Horror

Masters of Horror

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So, here I am at last. 

You could say this is my first official post "YAY ME" lol and welcome to all.

My reasons for being here are MUSIC, WRITING, BOOKS and sometimes movies. These are all my favorite subjects and I find it hard to find a place where I can read about all at once, so I'm making this my place, providing I can keep up with all the news and such since my personal time is a tad short.

I would love to put down some reviews (my own opinions) about books I've read music I listen to (warning my music is loud) and no doubt bitch about the world wide crap of this world we live in plus share some of my life the way I would like to on FB and My Spaz sometimes those just aren't personal enough anymore.

Only thing I ask for is respect of others comments, views and beliefs on life. since I'm not a religious person and have no desire to be please try to minimize any sort of preaching unless its in your own defense, I don't believe in things I cannot see, feel, hear while at the same time I do believe in the after life (so sue me) I love paranormal stuff and well may have felt it before (yes I'm crazy). As I post you'll obviously get to know more about who I am and where I'm from (a shit hole) so be free to roam around and what not.

WARNING- explicit and downright filth is a possibility here so hopefully you are open minded if not (oops my bad).

P.S. I'm also a amateur writer and studying it at the same time I don't claim to be a professional or have anything published; but hopefully one day that will change. so all authors of any kind are most welcome...

Peace out -C ^0^


  1. Welcome sis.

    Shall be an interesting and no doubt at times hilarious experience have this little piece of the internet to you self.


  2. "WARNING- explicit and downright filth is a possibility here"

    Greatest quote EVER! Can't wait to read your musings, bff - maybe it'll prompt me to do some of my own, even though I'm constantly plagued with the notion that no one cares what I think about anything (and rightfully so, since I'm no one important!)

  3. LMAO, not true bff- you always will be...

  4. Oh... bring on the filth, please! Can't wait to read more!

  5. Yay you!!! Looking forward to reading your future posts!

    I got to get me one of those warnings, they are the shit. :)

  6. Love the warning!

  7. 'sometimes movies' peaked my attention, yeah. Look forward to it.
