Masters of Horror

Masters of Horror

Sunday, January 30, 2011


In the last 5 months twitter has been my escape, somewhere I can go to be me: well who I thought was me wasn't really me to begin with.

I've found a community of people who like me are there for the same reasons. but what i've learn't is a whole new world of socializing your always going to face the "Bitch clique's", "the backstabber's" & a new way of trust. but for the bad has never out weighed my good, I've become close to a few of these people I now class as seriously close friends outside of twitter, these friends have taught me a lot about myself in way's I could never show even to my closest family & best friends & if you guys are reading this it doesn't make me love you any less that's highly impossible but I got alot of love to share so my circle has become a little bigger some i wish were close enough for me to find and hang with out in the real world and one i can do that with and will soon.

someone else has taught me another way than just being me, & that was to let my guards down once & awhile let myself feel & be felt that someone has no idea what they've done & awakened I owe alot of thanks & god knows what else & hoping that I've done the same for that person.... also feeling alive again has made up for alot of missing things i've not seen for a long time...

So my point to this mini post for what it's worth putting up with crazy bitch hussy's , sleazy man-whores & complete utter idiots that need to be locked away Twitter is worth it's weight in gold.


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