Masters of Horror

Masters of Horror

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dead By Sunrise - Let Down (OFFICIAL Video) HD


One of my most favorited songs from "Dead By Sunrise".

Chester Bennington of Linkin Park has made his mark again with his
side project & friends that form "Dead By Sunrise".

I've had this album for awhile now, and not once have had to skip a song
I could probably write a pretty damn long review of each song
but each person see's music in there own way from there own experiences
so I'll leave the judging for yourself.

Highly recommended for linkin park fans for a softer side of Chester yet
with the same voice one can never tire of you'd be a damn fool if you didn't
buy this album "Out Of The Ashes".


Monday, January 31, 2011

"If Only"

His effection never fail's,
her guardian he'll remain
to watch, protect & honor
his loyalty for one soul
His only price 
"Her love."

Say It How It Is EM!

Lyrics | Eminem lyrics - Space Bound lyrics

This Song has embedded itself in my brain so I'm sharing it with y'all.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


In the last 5 months twitter has been my escape, somewhere I can go to be me: well who I thought was me wasn't really me to begin with.

I've found a community of people who like me are there for the same reasons. but what i've learn't is a whole new world of socializing your always going to face the "Bitch clique's", "the backstabber's" & a new way of trust. but for the bad has never out weighed my good, I've become close to a few of these people I now class as seriously close friends outside of twitter, these friends have taught me a lot about myself in way's I could never show even to my closest family & best friends & if you guys are reading this it doesn't make me love you any less that's highly impossible but I got alot of love to share so my circle has become a little bigger some i wish were close enough for me to find and hang with out in the real world and one i can do that with and will soon.

someone else has taught me another way than just being me, & that was to let my guards down once & awhile let myself feel & be felt that someone has no idea what they've done & awakened I owe alot of thanks & god knows what else & hoping that I've done the same for that person.... also feeling alive again has made up for alot of missing things i've not seen for a long time...

So my point to this mini post for what it's worth putting up with crazy bitch hussy's , sleazy man-whores & complete utter idiots that need to be locked away Twitter is worth it's weight in gold.
